Bricks are excellent for building.They are easy to make and you will need some clay,water,sand.Then add straw or animal hair to make it stronger.Women,children even slaves sometimes had to mix it with their bare feet.Can you believe that!Once it was ready,the mix was just packed into the wooden molds.The brick-makers hardest task is building in the hot fiery oven or kiln.The heat inside has to be even and constant.Then I placed the bricks on a rack.I sealed the kiln and tended to it around,about 6 days and 6 nights.The heat is around 2,000’F and 1,093’C.Pretty hot right?Then then bricklayers needed construction skills.For he dose not make bricks,but he made the mortar to bind them.He used a trowel to apply the mortar and a level to make sure that these walls were straight and sturdy.